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Landing On The Truth: 3 Myths Regarding Slip And Fall Cases

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If you have recently fallen and suffered injuries at someone's home or business, you may be confused by your options. While many of these accidents are minor, certain injuries can become severe and life-altering for many people. Considering that falls are the leading cause of injuries and death in older individuals, taking the issue seriously is smart, especially if you are older. After the injury, whether minor or severe, consulting an attorney is key to determine if you will be able to receive compensation for your struggles. Unfortunately, most people believe a few common misconceptions regarding this type of case. Debunking these common myths will give you a better understanding of court cases regarding slip and fall injuries.

Filing a Case Means You Are Greedy

 Many people never see a lawyer after their fall because they do not want to seem like they are greedy. Of course, there are many greedy individuals who abuse the system, taking advantage of every person and business whenever possible. However, if you have recently fallen at a person's home or business establishment, the owner is most likely at fault.

Property owners are required to have insurance, which protects them in case they are found to be at fault. These insurance policies will cover the cost of your injuries because you should not be responsible for paying medical costs or dealing with bills if you are unable to work.

In addition, filing a case against the property will serve as a lesson to the property owner. In many cases, the case will help educate the property owner on safety regulations that will prevent accidents in the future.

Settling Your Case Quickly Is Best

After your accident, the property owner may attempt to pay you out of their own pocket. Or, their insurance company will make contact with you in hopes of settling the case without going to court.

Settling early may seem to have its advantages. This will help you receive a quick payout, which allows you to pay for your immediate medical bills. Settling outside of court also reduces the amount of attorney fees and court costs that you will need to pay. Unfortunately, settling early has many disadvantages, as well.

An early settlement agreement will often contain clauses which you may or may not read and understand. These clauses may state that once you accept the settlement, you are forfeiting your right to pursue further action if injuries become more severe in the future. If your injuries progress and you will need to stop working after the settlement, you will not be able to file a lawsuit against the property owner and insurance company.

Never assume it is in your best interest to settle early. Consult an attorney as soon as the accident occurs. If you have been given an offer from the property owner or insurance company, consult a lawyer before accepting the settlement.

Compensation Covers Medical Costs Only

Another common myth many people believe is that compensation after a slip and fall injury will only be enough to cover medical costs.

It is true that winning a case against a property owner will award you with sufficient compensation to cover medical expenses, but you will also receive enough financial support to help you with income that has been lost due to your injuries. Incidental expenses, such as transportation to and from doctor appointments, may also be part of your compensation.

Also, many people experience extreme emotional distress after an injury, which can cause anxiety and depression for them and their family. In these instances, compensation for pain and suffering may also be awarded.

Slipping and falling due to hazardous conditions should be taken seriously. If you have recently experienced one of these accidents, it is time to discuss your case with a slip and fall attorney.
