Three Reasons Why You Should Not Represent Yourself In A Personal Injury Case
If a car, truck or even another motorcycle hit you and caused you injuries while you were on your motorcycle, you may be able to file a personal injury case. Thanks to the Internet, more people than ever feel that it is easy to look up information about personal injury cases. You may think that this information can help you to file your own case and win it, all without the help of an attorney. While you can look up some key information online, hiring a motorcycle lawyer for your personal injury case can be invaluable. Here are three reasons why you should not represent yourself in a personal injury case.
Obtaining Evidence Is Hard Without an Attorney
One of the reasons why you should not represent yourself in a personal injury case is because obtaining evidence without an attorney is hard. Many businesses and homes may be recording outside where the accident occurred, but they may not always hand the footage over to you simply because you asked. A lawyer can get better results when asking around for evidence, and if the footage still is not turned over, it can be legally subpoenaed.
You Do Not Know How to Calculate Personal Injury Damages
Another reason to think twice before you attempt to represent yourself in a personal injury case is because it can be challenging trying to calculate personal injury damages. Placing a value on your injuries is something you learn from experience. If you do not know how to properly calculate damages, you may end up agreeing to a settlement that is worth less than you deserve.
You May Miss a Deadline That Can Ruin Your Case
The final reason why you should not represent yourself in a personal injury case is that you may miss a deadline that can ruin your case. You have a limited amount of time to file a case. If you fail to file before this deadline, called the statute of limitations, you give up the right to ever recover money for your injuries. Unfortunately, the information you find online may not always be totally accurate when it comes to this deadline. An attorney knows when the claim must be filed by and will ensure it is done correctly.
If you were injured while you were riding your motorcycle and another party is responsible for your injuries, you may be able to file a personal injury claim. A great motorcycle lawyer can help you to determine if you have a claim, help to obtain evidence, file before time runs out in your case, and help you determine what a fair amount is for the injuries you sustained. Contact a motorcycle accident lawyer, like those found at Iron Horse Motorcycle Lawyers, to schedule a consultation today.